Meet the Students
© 2021 Global Institute of Theology
Joseph Schembri -
Ministerial Studies
The studies are shaping my integrity, giving me tools to dig more deeper into the root of life values,
correcting my Christian knowledge of which I adopted from inaccurate teachings and giving me
confidence in when sharing the precious word of God, without harming but curing lives as the
word is meant to be, in my opinion so far the studies I went through are well prepared and inspired
by the Holy Spirit, as my studies gave me ability in understanding and protecting me from being
deceived by false teachings. I feel very privileged to have these studies in hand by Global University
Benjamin Alakkad -
Ministerial Studies
am married with children and have a full-time job. Studying with GIT was the answer for my busy
life. I can I can study at my own pace at the same time staying on track with predetermined
deadlines. The staff is always ready to help in any way possible. Making your experience as
enjoyable as possible. I am currently studying the Berean courses which I am finding very
interesting and helpful for preparing me for ministry.
Josephine Stevenson -
Alumini, Biblical Interpreter
I am thankful for being introduced to the Global Institute of Theology. The whole experience has
been useful and challenging. Through the years I have studied on similar courses but I have found
this one the best. The textbooks are well laid out and helped me to keep in mind all the required
information. They are packed with wisdom and life-long principles that help me be a better citizen.
Having certificates that are recognised gave me more confidence and credibility in my own sphere
of teaching others. I remain thankful for the high standard and enthusiasm of the teachers.
Valerie Caruana -
Alumni, Disciplining the Christian Life
I am studying the Christian Life Series and I am finding it not only interesting but also very
helpful for my personal life.The lessons are spread out so clearly and in an easy to follow way
that I find myself looking forward to the next session. I also enjoy sharing what I learn with my
Marita Egere -
Personal Enhancement
GIT has enhanced my knowledge of the Bible. The course is very interesting. It has helped me to
remain focused on my Biblical studies. I believe that now I am more equipped to serve the Lord
Jesus Christ, in my church duties. It has also helped me to improve my knowledge concerning
how to resolve conflict in an association and it has opened my eyes about an important
principle in the Bible; that of integrity. I can truly say that the course has been beneficial to me.
I am grateful that God has given me such an opportunity
Robin Pinkston -
Alumni, Christian Counseling
Global University has been a real blessing for me personally. I've sincerely enjoyed the small
group meetings with others as we discuss the information we've read ahead of time and the
opportunity to hear from many different leaders. I believe the courses have assisted me in
learning more about how to help and counsel others and I look forward to continuing to learn
Nadia Fabri -
Alumni, Christian Counseling
I am very satisfied with my studies with GIT. Course is affordable and teachers are very
knowledgeable about the subject. I could manage my way through work, family and studies.
The content of this course has helped me both with my personal life and also to help other
people around me. I have come to realise that in addition to the help of the Holy Spirit, one
should also enhance his/her knowledge with studies just like the Bereans did in the first
century. Through this course I have learnt the value of agape and the importance of empathy
amongst other things. This course is a blessing to me and to my ministry
Paulette Winfield -
Alumni, Biblical Interpreter
Through God's grace I have completed the study Program, The Bible Interpreter Certificate. This
educational process has added value to my life, and has given me confidence and ability to
minister to others at my local church as a Sunday school teacher more effectively. A heartfelt
Thanks to the great work carried in this school to equip students to be just that, and for their
relentless faithfulness to teach God's word, their patients and encouragement. God bless this
school in all their efforts.
Patrick Stevenson-
Alumni, Biblical Interpreter
I found studying with Global Institute of Theology a personally en riching experience.
This kind of study meant I did not have to give up my other work but was able to
devote my free time to study. The text books are written by people from various
persuasions which give a wider knowledge of the subjects. As well as personal
enrichment I am able to pass on accurate knowledge to others in my teaching and
preaching and encourage them to continue to study.
Todd Walter Crant -
Alumini, Ministerial Studies
B.A. in Biblical Studies (Student)
I want to thank GIT and staff. The dedication of GIT and its staff is unparalleled. They are
diligent in their dedication to Christ and His word. They truly have a heart to see people
equipped for the ministry so the word of God is properly taught. Their dedication is
evident in the way they are always available to help. Also the materials provided are truly
written and designed to facilitate maximum comprehension and application. GIT has been
a blessing to me and my ministry. I thank God for them and their commitment to
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